Explore Relicx Sandbox Today!

Welcome to a transformative stage in your development and testing journey.

The Relicx Demo Sandbox is ready for you to engage with and personally assess the uplift in software quality provided by our Generative AI platform. Utilize our Sample Digital Banking application to explore the capabilities of Relicx and witness the impact firsthand.

Effortless Test Authoring with AI
  • See the pre-seeded test library to appreciate how Relicx can help you create high-quality tests in minutes.
  • Create your own tests using our no-code interface and see AI assertions in action.
  • Try intent-based tests using natural language prompts with Relicx Copilot (beta).
One-Click Release Validation
  • Check out the app flow map to see how Relicx explores and learns from your app, autonomously scanning for errors and visual regressions.
  • Visually assess release readiness with color-coded Application Flow Map 

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